Welcome to Myndscapes.
My name is Daniel Thomson and I am the sole artist for MyndScapes. I am a native of Buffalo, New York, and have worked as a brick mason for most of my life. I moved to North Carolina in 1996 for work and have lived in the Charlotte area ever since. At the urging of friends and family I realized that at age 51 I can't handle working in construction forever, and it might be time for me to turn my hobby of doing oil paintings into my next line of work.
I started doing freehand oil paintings around 1978 purely as a hobby and it has been that way for the last 35 years. It was something that came naturally to me as I never studied art or took any classes on it. The thought of selling my artwork was something I never really considered until now. I have always had an interest in nature and painting natural landscapes is what I enjoy most. Some of the natural landscapes depicted in my paintings are mountains, valleys, waterfalls, forests, rivers, space, etc. While I do paint on canvasses, I like to create more unique artwork like large murals and painting on saw blades, drywall sculptures, window frames, ceiling tiles, etc.
I hope you enjoy my paintings.
Daniel Thomson